April 07 2019
April 07 2019

1. RVs has lots more moving parts than Airstream, therefore, lots of problems could occurs during your trip and there are mileage charge vs. Airstream free mileage.

2. RVs are gas-guzzlers compare to Airstream's aerodynamic design improves fuel efficiency as much as 20 percent. Airstream not only creates less drag, its weight distribution is a breeze to pull.

3. RVs inside is very noise vs. driving your own car is much better than driving a noise RV for thounsand of miles will drive most people crazy and it is very stressful.

4. RVs are not urban-friendly - When you go to your camp site, you are stuck without a vehicle to drive around and you most likely will need to rent a car.

5. Be aware with El Monte RV they insurance policy only have $10K coverage and if you will need to pay the different if you get into an accident.  We offer standard $500K optional up to $1M coverage with Liberty Mutual.  Road side assistance and 24x7 support.


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